Bio & CV

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Dr. Mary Dellenbaugh-Losse is an urban researcher, consultant, and author focusing on social inclusion, participation and gender. Her current work spans a diverse range of topics, including gender equality in urban policy and planning, inclusive public participation, public-civic cooperation and social innovation in local government, and urban commons. In addition, she has also conducted academic research on cultural & creative industries, intermediate & adaptive reuse of vacant buildings and the political, symbolic, & normative aspects of architecture and urban planning.

Dr. Dellenbaugh-Losse grew up in the United States, where she completed her BSc with honors at the University of New Hampshire in 2006. She moved to Germany in 2007, where she successfully completed both a master in landscape architecture and a doctorate in human geography. In 2016, after positions in academia and the non-profit sector, she founded her own consultancy. Today, her work focuses on commissioned expertise and consulting for public bodies on the topics mentioned above, as well as project development and management in Germany and on a European level.

She has been validated by the EU program URBACT IV as a lead and ad hoc expert for equality, diversity, and inclusion, participatory governance, and social innovation. In 2022, she completed a 200-hour occupational training to become a mediator and coach.

She has lectured at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin and is the author and co-editor of several books, including Urban Commons: Moving beyond State and Market, Städtewandel durch Kultur, The Urban Commons Cookbook, and Inventing Berlin: Architecture, Politics and Cultural Memory in the New/Old German Capital Post-1989. For in-depth information about individual publications and current and former projects, please see the links above.

Dr. Dellenbaugh-Losse is a founding member of the Urban Research Group and K3 – Konfliktklärung. Kommunikation. Kooperation. She lives in Berlin.

Download my current CV here: English / German

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