Review for “Urban Commons: Moving Beyond State and Market”

Ryan Jepson from the University of Vienna has reviewed our book. Here’s an excerpt:

This collection of short essays accommodates and investigates a range of theoretical, thematic and geographical perspectives and reflections on urban commons and commoning, and seeks to explore how ‘the historically and geographically specific urban condition has shaped the experience, development, and preservation of commons’ (p. 13) at the level of everyday social production and collective appropriation. It brings together research from a wide range of traditions and spatial settings and, in sum, manages to pool and pull a considerable amount of the sociological field into the realm of the commons and commoning. The authors highlight the weakness in the existing theory of the urban commons against increasing exploitation in and of the city shaped by demographic shifts, migration and special forms of enclosure.


This volume shows how elastic, ambiguous and unsatisfactory notions of the commons and commoning have become today. The case selection is valuable in challenging the current knowledge production on urban commons, not through comparison per se, but rather, through specific historicized accounts of contemporary ‘common’ moments in different contexts, raising new questions and opening up the spatial-social field for further research beyond the themes covered here.

You can read his full review here.

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